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Livy Canario


Some things I hold close to myself are my two dogs, Hank and Bentley, and spending time with my family and friends. I am from Rhode Island, and I love doing Zumba and working out. I am a Zumba instructor in training and am very proud of this! I also really enjoy cardio dancing and just dancing in general! I’m very active and moving around is my thing! I love the idea of dressing up and acting like a popstar. I love to sing, and dance like I am performing on stage. I am also very athletic. I like to swim, play basketball, go bowling and play volleyball. I like to go to the YMCA to see people and work out with them. I strive to lift more weight as time goes by. In my free time I like to do arts and crafts as well as listen to music. I like to cook with my parents and love ice cream! One day I was to be a mom and have a family. I am inspired by my ability in learning how to babysit and care for people.

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